La Festa Delle Rane - Il Lago è il Cielo del Bosco e Tutte le Rane Cantano in Coro [RG17]


A sphere, like an eye, and a quill of light goes through the leaf. Two twin leaves, the space between them, and then it goes through me. Is that how shadows are born? "Is that how shadows are born?"

I ask you, my love.

The ages between a shade of green and another. I sighted species and words. The leaves, the rustle of spheres screeching. I've seen species never seen before listen to the light. "Light can be listened to", I whispered, mother.


released August 22, 2022

Recorded between 2020 and 2022 in Bologna, Napoli, Brussels, Benevento and Colleverde di Leonessa. Thanks to Giallo, Simone, and Esp. Thanks to the Puufuloneti and to the moles.